
Loan Calculator and Payment Schedule

Your monthly loan payment will depend on the loan amount, term, and interest rate. Use the inputs below to get an estimate of what your monthly payment might be.

Loan Calculator

Loan Calculator with Chart

Loan Calculator

Monthly Payment:

Payment Schedule

Year Principal Interest Total Interest Paid Total Remaining Balance

A loan often presents a better option for accessing cash compared to a credit card, primarily due to generally lower interest rates on loans. While there are exceptions to this rule—such as payday loans—a loan calculator can assist you in evaluating whether the loan you’re considering is competitively priced and suitable for your needs.

You can utilize this calculator to assess any loan under consideration. By adjusting variables like the loan amount, loan term, and interest rate, you can estimate the potential overall cost. It’s important to note that as the loan term increases, monthly payments typically decrease, but the total cost of the loan (total amount paid) tends to rise. Additionally, factor in any applicable fees, particularly for mortgages and other specific types of loans.

Key Takeaways

Loan calculators are valuable tools for estimating your monthly payments across various types of loans, including mortgages, car loans, and personal loans.

They provide insights into how much you can borrow based on factors like your income and financial situation.

It’s crucial not to solely focus on the monthly payment. Assess the total cost of the loan, especially the total interest paid over its duration.

Two primary factors heavily influencing the interest rate offered are your credit score and whether the loan is secured or unsecured.

Credit Rating Basics and Loans

Your credit score is evaluated by credit bureaus such as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. This score is typically represented as a three-digit number ranging from 300 to 850. A higher number indicates a better credit score, which in turn can result in lower interest rates on loans, as lenders perceive you as a lower risk.

Even if you have a good credit score, it is important to ensure that you are receiving an appropriate interest rate. Loan discrimination and subprime lender targeting may result in you not being offered the rate you deserve.


The percentage of the population that achieves a perfect credit score.

Secured vs. Unsecured Loans

Mortgages and car loans are secured by the collateral of the house or car being purchased, respectively. Consequently, they are typically offered at lower interest rates compared to personal loans.

In contrast, personal loans, which are unsecured and lack collateral, generally incur higher interest rates. This is because, in the event of default, the lender has no tangible asset to foreclose on or repossess to recoup the debt. As a result, these loans carry higher interest rates, all else being equal.

What Factors Affect the Interest Rate on a Loan?

First, interest rates are determined by the overall interest rate environment in the economy, which is set or targeted by the central bank. Additionally, the length of the loan affects the interest rate, with longer loans typically carrying higher rates. Your credit score also plays a crucial role, as riskier borrowers are subject to higher interest rates. Finally, secured loans, such as mortgages backed by collateral, generally have lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans.

How Much Loan Can I Afford?

You should ensure that your current income is sufficient to cover the monthly loan payments, including principal, interest, and any associated fees. Generally, it is recommended to allocate no more than 30% of your gross (pre-tax) income towards a mortgage and 10%-15% towards an auto loan.

Where Can I Compare Lenders’ Interest Rates?

Several comparison websites provide real-time interest rate quotes, allowing you to compare and shop based on your loan criteria and individual financial and credit profile.

The Bottom Line

Before taking out any loan, use a loan calculator to run the numbers. Knowing your monthly payment amount will help you determine whether the loan is affordable given your current financial circumstances or if you need to continue shopping for a better offer.


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